What Is Professional Coaching?
Every Olympic athlete has a coach: an individual who helps bring out the best in them, to develop their gifts and talent, and holds them accountable. Just as an Olympic coach cannot play the game for the “coachee,” a Life Coach cannot live your life for you.
Coaching is NOT therapy. A “coach” is not a therapist. A Certified Professional Life Coach is a professional who adheres to the International Coach Federation’s Code of Ethics, and is trained in the art of skillful questioning and active listening.
Coaching is designed to help people move themselves toward a better life or the attainment of a specific goal. The Coach’s job is to “hold up the mirror”, ask the right questions, and help the client hold themselves accountable in an environment of trust and confidentiality.
CLICK HERE to learn more about Dale’s Professional Coaching services. Or Contact Dale today for your Complementary Introductory Session.

“Helping people move forward – one step at a time.”